Vacuum cleaner nozzles & accessories for canister vacuums
Huge selection, for any application
Canister vacuums used in many private households, as they provide easy and flexible vacuuming. Thanks to the long hose it can be used not just for floor cleaning, but also for the cleaning of other surfaces, like furniture, sofas, windowsills. Many canister vacuums provide accessories stored into the canister vac.
Wessel-Werk offers a wide range of vacuum cleaner nozzles and accessories for this product group. We can offer many solutions for product segmentation, either via accessories or via the floor nozzle. Independent, if you are searching for an efficient all-rounder, hard-floor or carpet specialist or an energy efficient, trendy, low weight or low noise solution, all is possible. We would like to find the best choice for your vacuum cleaner project.
Overview Nozzles